Friday, 29 July 2011


My final image, is of the same eye but decorated in a different style - also one eye has been edit on Photoshop to give a extra shine a glow. On both eyes I have used the thick black make-up to define the shape of the eye .  The right has hardly any make-up on it, just all natural colours ( showing the eyes beauty) and the left eye has, had the blue brightened in Photoshop - to make it stand out. I have also used a pattern on the eye.   

*Last post*

My last post shows a selection of images I have took. I have taken pictures of Eyes from different angles, I've tired to show the uniqueness in the Eye.
After looking at the pictures I decided that images of Eyes on their own would look quite boring so, I have adapted my idea to putting two different eyes together to create a odd combination.

For example.
 (won't allow me to drag the images together)

By placing these eyes together, I'm creating one image with two elements. The reason I've decided to put two images together is because you could create all sorts of combinations.

Selection of photos

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Joanna McConnell - Selection

Joanna McConnell

This is my favourite out of the ones I have chosen,
because the eyes are so large & bright - Alert in fact.
 My next artist is Joanna McConnell - this artist concentrates on the face, showing the expressions. Joanna has gone into great detail on the facial features.
The eyes in this image look so innocent. The
detail in the eyelashes is amazing - I love how
thick and dark they are. 

This image is a little different than the others because
the eyes are small and scared. The eyes are also appear
to be different shade (ones green & ones blue)

Nico Niemi - Selection of images.

Nico Niemi

This is image is a little different from the other, because
the focus isn't on the girl but the dragons eye in the
foreground. The eye is large and round, I think that
this image was meant to blend in and give a dark feel off,
so colouring the eye blue gives it the dramatic effect and
draws you in.

In this image I like how the focus (from my point of view)
is on the eye - there is on eye in the image and it dominates
the picture. I think that colour chosen - deep purple- compliments
the red in the image.

I have found two artist that cover eyes. The first is Nico Niemi. I know he doesn't just draw eyes, but I like that style that he has done the eyes. Looking at his work
I've found that he draws large images, his main focus is drawings of girls (with different hair colour, eye etc) 


I have an idea -Not sure were I'm going to go with it but I thought I should write it down.

I have a slight obsession with Eyes, I like the shape, colour size.
I was thinking of taking pictures of Eyes, from different angles showing off colour, size, shape etc.

I'm not sure if there is any artist that have studied Eyes. If there isn't I'm just going take pictures of eyes and choose my favourite ones.


It took sometime to get the blog up and running - for some reason it wouldn't work. 
I can finally put the ideas in my head into the blog. 

I chose 'puttinginktopaper' for my blog title as I thought it fits, and I like the idea of putting the ideas you have in the ink to the paper.