Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Nico Niemi

This is image is a little different from the other, because
the focus isn't on the girl but the dragons eye in the
foreground. The eye is large and round, I think that
this image was meant to blend in and give a dark feel off,
so colouring the eye blue gives it the dramatic effect and
draws you in.

In this image I like how the focus (from my point of view)
is on the eye - there is on eye in the image and it dominates
the picture. I think that colour chosen - deep purple- compliments
the red in the image.

I have found two artist that cover eyes. The first is Nico Niemi. I know he doesn't just draw eyes, but I like that style that he has done the eyes. Looking at his work
I've found that he draws large images, his main focus is drawings of girls (with different hair colour, eye etc) 

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